
Having a Safety tool in your Pocket to create an environment characterized by safety, integrity and inclusion.

Safe place for everyone

Safeplace app

Having a Safety tool in your Pocket to create an environment characterized by safety, integrity and inclusion.

An anonymous platform for anyone who needs help

Our software creates an anonymous platform where staff can raise concerns, report issues and let you know how they’re feeling without the fear or repercussions for speaking up.


An anonymous platform for anyone who needs help

Our software creates an anonymous platform where staff can raise concerns, report issues and let you know how they’re feeling without the fear or repercussions for speaking up. By creating an anonymous platform staff are more inclined to discuss sensitive issues and provide more detailed and honest feedback which will give you insight creating a sense of safety and security within your organization.

By creating an anonymous platform staff are more inclined to discuss sensitive issues and provide more detailed and honest feedback which will give you insight creating a sense of safety and security within your organization.

How does it work?

Our software is accessible to you and your team. The app is designed so your organization can get the information from experts and your staff members can let you know what they think of your organization regarding this topic.


How does it work?

Our software is accessible to you and your team. The app is designed so your organization can get the information from experts and your staff members can let you know what they think of your organization regarding this topic. It’s a powerful tool to measure the climate of your organization. Your staff engagement is important. They are part of the solution.

It’s a powerful tool to measure the climate of your organization. Your staff engagement is important. They are part of the solution.

Discover our app



Our daily mood check will help you and us to understand how your team is feeling during each period so we can isolate and target any problems that may be affecting the culture, and atmosphere of your team and environment. It will also help us to compare statistics before and after measures have been implemented towards improving your workplaces safety.

On- and Offline workshops

Our team provides both on and offline workshops to ensure your team remain up to date with issues that could compromise on safety, as well as the protocols to deal with any breaches of safety which may occur.


On- and Offline

Our team provides both on and offline workshops to ensure your team remain up to date with issues that could compromise on safety, as well as the protocols to deal with any breaches of safety which may occur. By providing online workshops we ensure that the tools to prevent breaches in security are easily accessible to you at all times.

  • Online workshops accessible through our application at any time
  • Offline workshops and live programs for more intensive awareness programs

By providing online workshops we ensure that the tools to prevent breaches in security are easily accessible to you at all times.

  • Online workshops accessible through our application at any time
  • Offline workshops and live programs for more intensive awareness programs

what can you find out in our app

Daya mood check


Check in with your mood every day to track and understand changes

Day mood check


Your team can easily chat with our supporters

Day mood check


We will create special program on how to improve your team

Day mood check


Prepared video-content for your company and team

Day mood check

News and

Latest news and updates from Safeplace team

Day mood check

Ideas on how to
improve a team

New articles and posts for employees

Day mood check

Events and

Info about new Safeplace meeting & workshops

Day mood check


Check your awareness with our quiz

We work for your safety

We work for your safety

Our goal is to ensure that your company and staff are safe at all times and to provide you with the tools to ensure this safety.