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Powerful tools that will assist you in

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Powerful tools that will assist you in


After our 25 years of experience, we started our internal process to brain mine our knowledge and to convert our experience into software. We have developed a few applications and we are sure there is more to come from our Product Development department.


We had noticed that many of the problems occur in the start of the relationship between companies and their customers. Simple KYC checks and lack of good business approval flows generate bigger risks.

With this tool designed for the automotive you do not have to count on excel or tools which are not designed to check and approve.

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We had noticed that many of the problems occur in the start of the relationship between companies and their customers. Simple KYC checks and lack of good business approval flows generate bigger risks.

With this tool designed for the automotive you do not have to count on excel or tools which are not designed to check and approve.

The tool does a check and gives a rating depending on the data that is provided. Your company can set up inside this tool how you want to organize your approval flow.

You are in the DRIVERS SEAT.

The tool does a check and gives a rating depending on the data that is provided. Your company can set up inside this tool how you want to organize your approval flow.

You are in the DRIVERS SEAT.

I am strong app

(from 12yrs-24yrs)

An app that helps young students that get bullied at school. The app gives the school the opportunity to support students that experience bully behavior from others.

United we are stong

The app helps the school to create awareness for the children and parents. It provides information on how to deal with bullying. The school can organize get together within the app where people can subscribe to.

Give the student a voice

The students can chat anonymously if they want. They can chat with professionals or to care takers from the school.
The students can find information about bullying and the impact it has on young people.

Give the student a voice

The students can chat anonymously if they want. They can chat with professionals or to care takers from the school.
The students can find information about bullying and the impact it has on young people.

Daily mood

Tell us how you feel today

Chat with a

Connecting students with people who know what they do


It helps to lower the threshold for students

and Events

Awareness and participation in one app

phones phones

Safeplace app

Having a Safety tool in your Pocket to create an environment characterized by safety, integrity and inclusion.

How does it work?

Our software is accessible to you and your team. The app is designed so your organization can get the information from experts and your staff members can let you know what they think of your organization regarding this topic.


How does it work?

Our software is accessible to you and your team. The app is designed so your organization can get the information from experts and your staff members can let you know what they think of your organization regarding this topic. It’s a powerful tool to measure the climate of your organization. Your staff engagement is important. They are part of the solution.

Read more #

It’s a powerful tool to measure the climate of your organization. Your staff engagement is important. They are part of the solution.

Read more #

What’s inside?

Daya mood check

Daily mood check

Day mood check

Anonymous chat

Day mood check

Awareness program

Day mood check

Online workshops

Day mood check

News and updates

Day mood check

Ideas and advice

Day mood check

Events and agenda

Day mood check

Awareness quiz


cyber safe program

As an addition to our Cyber Service which we provide to companies. We added the tool of Reliaquest to make our offering perfect.

Powerful Service platform

Our Cyber Safe Program is a combination of experience and a digital monitoring platform in one. We will help you to detect your problems and set up the tool in right way so you are protected.

Monitor and Action

In order to monitor we will assess where there is lack or no moderation where it is needed. This is the first step. During moderation we assist in any escalation that can take place and together we will have control where it is needed.

Monitor and Action

In order to monitor we will assess where there is lack or no moderation where it is needed. This is the first step. During moderation we assist in any escalation that can take place and together we will have control where it is needed.

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phones phones