Our live

Our live program provides an intensive approach that works in a hands on approach with your team in order to improve your work environment.

Safe place for everyone

Our live

Our live program provides an intensive approach that works in a hands on approach with your team in order to improve your work environment.

Live program

Here we work together with one or more of our specialists on sight to ensure that your work environment gets improved.


Live program

Here we work together with one or more of our specialists on sight to make sure that work environment gets improved. We work together on the core of the issue.

We work together on the core of the issue.

Departement approach

In this approach we work together with the department were there the urgency is the highest.


Departement approach

In this approach we work together with the department were there the urgency is the highest. Our focus is to get to the core of the problem and address this in order to prevent future issues in a top down approach.

Our focus is to get to the core of the problem and address this in order to prevent future issues in a top down approach.


We make sure that all managers are aligned with the values of the company and that there is consistency in their implementation which is managed by protocols.



We make sure that all managers are aligned with the values of the company and that there is consistency in their implementation which is managed by protocols.

Human Resources

We guide the HR department to make sure they have the right approach to create ideal team dynamics which avoid conflict, and issues regarding safety.


Human Resources

We guide the HR department to make sure they have the right approach to create ideal team dynamics which avoid conflict, and issues regarding safety. We change the hiring procedures to integrate more than just skills based approaches to hiring so you can have an optimal team.

We change the hiring procedures to integrate more than just skills based approaches to hiring so you can have an optimal team.

A safeplace is non-